2007년 6월 2일 토요일

Better Together (Script)



A) Students are walking into the school.

B) There is a poster that says “Final Exam Day.”

C) In one side of the school, fashionable girls are hanging out with hot guys.

Isn’t that guy so cute?


D) On the other side, all the “nerd-looking” students are holding up their study guides and are studying for the exam.

Hey, do you get this Algebra problem?

You draw a line here, and…

E) The bell rings and everybody runs into the building.

Scene 2. INT - Classroom of Halls High - MORNING
The teacher announces the start of the exam. Some students are caught cheating and are sent to the office. Tylia is first viewed on the screen. She is really concentrated on her exam, and she turns in the test, last. She is confident of the result, so happily, she heads back home.

Scene 3. INT - Few days later at Halls High - DAY
The next day, she receives the report card of the year. Again, she had the highest GPA in her grade as usual. Everyone at the school is really jealous of her. Envying, people come to compare Tylia’s test paper with their own, since she got the most questions correct. Some students ask her questions.


TYLIA AVRIL, runs into the house, shouting

Mom, dad! Look at my report card!
(holds up her hand)
Look at this! I got the highest GPA again!

Her mom takes a glimpse and continues reading newspaper, unsurprised.

Well done, my girl.
Now go clean your room.
(gestures toward her bedroom)

Tylia frowns to her mother when she takes off her backpack.

Don’t you want to check this out?
I mean, you don’t want to say anything about this?

Her father gives her a weird look and turns off the TV he was watching

Look now, Tylia. We know what it looks like, well enough.
It’s not a thing to be so excited about!

You will never be able to imagine how hard it is, to actually get this grade!

Father gives her a stern look.

Never mind that.
I have something important to tell you anyways.

What is it?
Is it more important than “this?”
(She shakes her paper again)

Of course!
We are moving to a new city!

Tylia is too shocked to say anything. Her face turns red with anger. Her mouth drops down, open.

But you never mentioned that before!!!
How can you just… just…

Her father interrupts

I just decided it today!
Now go to your room just as your mother said, and clean your room.

Tylia runs into her bedroom angrily. Then, she throws the report card in the trashcan.

Scene 5. INT- In Tylia’s bedroom - NIGHT
Tylia starts crying. She goes over all the pictures she took over past 15 years. She sees all the awards she got and reviews all her accomplishments. She just cannot stop crying. Changing schools during high school year is a very serious thin because then, it takes time for you to adjust to the school, and it might lower your grades. Her parents come into the room and say that it’s good because she can now study harder without knowing anyone in the new school.

Scene 6. EXT - On the street OF Tylia’s house - MORNING
It is the day that Tylia has to move. All of her friends came to say good-bye and they cry a lot. She thinks that she’d rather die to leave everything behind. As the car drives away, she cannot bear the sorrow and tries to get off the car, but it is locked.

Scene 7. INT - Hide High - DAY
Tylia goes to her new school; however, she isn’t part of the community. She is just left out in every single thing they did at the school because nobody knows her, and nobody actually dares knowing her. Weird looks pass by, and sometimes, curious stares sicken her badly.

Scene 8. INT - Few days later in the classroom of Hide High - DAY
She isn’t the smartest girl in the school. No one comes to her to ask question as they did from the other school. People pass by her, not caring. She receives “B” for her report paper. She wrinkles and throws her paper away.

Scene 9. INT - Tylia’s bedroom - NIGHT
She pulls out her diary. She would just start writing and writing. She cries and she laughs like crazy at the same time. Her diary is her only friend. Tylia is in despair, but her parents don’t even recognize this because they were too busy doing their own stuff. Tylia feels lonelier and lonelier as time passes by.

Scene 10. INT - Speech class - Day

MS. SPARK, the speech class teacher enters the room.

Now, class!
I have a very important thing to tell you today.

She hits a desk to draw attention. A student wakes up looking tired.

As a part of your mid-term exam grade,
(emphasizes “exam”)
you all have to make a speech in front of the whole school!

Students give shocking looks and groan.

Oh… no….

Recognizing this, Ms. Spark speaks again.

Listen girls and boys!
For those who have low grades in this class, it will be a great chance for you to make up your grades!!

Students’ reaction change dramatically. Everyone is now interested.

What is the speech going to be on?

Anything you choose!
It is a free topic.
Am I not so nice?

Students’ face hardens as if they got stuck by a lightening.

Oh not again….

Tylia just scribbles down something on the paper, mumbling.

So I say this…
…emphasize this….
…..and so….

The shot of the paper she is writing on is shown. She is scribbling down the ideas for her speech, and next to it, there is the calculations of her grade.

Scene 11. INT - In the restroom at Tylia’s house - Night

TYLIA is standing in front of a restroom mirror.

Ladies and gentleman!
No... no... It’s too weird!

Tylia shakes her head, and then starts again.
It is a pleasure to stand in front of you today.
Now, I believe, that each and every….

Then she recognizes something important. She wasn’t doing any of the eye contacts.

Eye contact… Eye contact…
Oh no… I can’t do it!!!

She is too embarrassed at her self to make any of the eye contact. Just then, her parents rush in to the restroom.

Tylia, do you know what time it is? It is the middle of the night!
Would you please allow me to sleep?

I know dad… But….

There are no buts!
Don’t be so rude to your father!

Mom interrupts.

Your father is right, Tylia.
We weren’t able to sleep for a week now. You should stop it this very moment.
Parents exit the room, pointing at the clock. Tylia cannot say anything because of anger. She stares at the parents back.

She rips her speech paper, gets out of the restroom, turns the light off, and closes the door shut.

Scene 12. INT - Auditorium of Hide High - DAY
It is the speech day, and it is not the same as she expected it to be. She slowly walks up the stage, nervous and unprepared. She is scared and cannot begin. Everybody seems to criticize her and laugh at her in her eyes. She runs off the stage, crying.

Scene 13. EXT - Road between Tylia’s school and home - DAY
Tylia runs as fast as she can to her house. People stare at her weirdly, and a policeman blows whistle to her to be careful, but she doesn’t care. She just runs and that is all she does.

Scene 14. INT - Hide High - MORNING
Tylia is so famous in her school. Everybody now knows her, but it is far worse than before because they are all laughing at her.

Scene 15. INT - Speech class - DAY
In the speech class, she receives a failing grade of an “F” for the first time in her life. Tylia now thinks that her life is really over. She decides not to come to school from the following day.

Scene 16. INT - Tylia’s home - NIGHT
That night, Ms. Spark, the teacher calls her home. Ms. Spark had a similar experience when she was in high school, so she guesses what was going on, correctly, by looking at her grades from the previous school. They talk with open-mind. The teacher tells Tylia a way that she can make up her grade: joining the forensics team and winning a prize. Tylia accepts it since it is her last chance.

Scene 17. INT - Forensics meeting - DAY
At the first meeting of forensics that Ms. Spark took Tylia, she figures that only smart people were there. The teacher encourages her and gains confidence.

Scene 18. INT - Locker area of the Hyde High – DAY

Tylia is organizing her locker. A boy comes to her.

Hi, nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you…
I’m sorry but who are you?

The boy is a little astonished, that she doesn’t actually knows him.

My name is John.
I’m in the forensics team…
I am fairly surprised that you don’t actually know me!

Well, I never talk to anyone in school…

John suddenly interrupts.

You know, I’m kind of busy.
Just came by to ask you if you want to be my partner in forensics.

You are joking, aren’t you?

Why would I make up such a joke?
I just could see your enthusiasm at the meeting.
So I thought maybe if we become partners, we can win!

Tylia smiles, but tries to hide it.

Well, yeah I want to win, but…

John interrupts again.

So, yes or no?
Just tell me that.

Tylia hesitates for a moment, but finally answers.

Ok. I’ll do it.

Scene 19. INT - Hallway of the Hyde High - DAY
From then on, everyone is so jealous of Tylia to be a forensics partner with John. Girls say, “How can you such stupido be a partner with hotty hot John?” Some girls talk at her back, but contrastingly, some girls want to be friend with her. However, Tylia refuses because she knew that she isn’t the one who they like, but John, her partner.

Scene 20. INT - At the school cafeteria - DAY
A cheerleader named Kelly approaches in her life gradually and she is the one that Tylia cannot ignore. Kelly trips Tylia in the cafeteria and throws ice-cream at her. She tries to make John unable to practice with Tylia constantly, by asking him out on a date. But this never works because John is enthusiastic enough about forensics to ignore all this. John tells Tylia to meet him at the park on Sunday morning.

Scene 21. EXT - At the park in Cupertino – MORNING

John and Tylia meet at the park. John starts talking.

Hey, Tylia.
I just had some things to tell you.

Oh, hi.
What is it that you want to tell me about?

John pauses for a second, sighs, and calmly starts talking.

Tylia, I… I like you…
Would you go out with me?

Tylia looks shocked from unexpected news.

O…Oh… Well… The thing is…
I can’t believe you, John…
I know you have gone out with a lot of girls…

But this time, it’s real!
I like you with all my heart.

Tylia isn’t convinced.

I am sorry, John…
I just… can’t…

Will I never be allowed?
Can’t you just give me one more chance?

Tylia thinks for a moment and responds.

You know, maybe…
I mean… can we talk about this again after the competition?
Maybe then, I will be able to trust you…

John sighs but still agrees.

OK… Tylia…
Let’s do that.
But don’t forget.
I like you with all my heart.

Scene 22. INT - John’s house - AFTERNOON
Tylia comes over to John’s house to practice forensics. John’s mother comes in with juice for them to drink, so they take a little break. They practice so hard that they cannot feel the fatigue. Both of them were really into this and both of them wanted to win prizes.

Scene 23. EXT - On the way to Tylia’s house - NIGHT
John brings Tylia home, saying that it is very dangerous for a girl to walk alone at night. They say good-bye in front of her house.

Scene 24-27 EXT&INT - Park, school, John and Tylia’s house - DAY&AFTERNOON
No dialogues pass by. The scenes of Tylia and John practicing are shown. Some parts of the forensics speech are heard, but not everything.

Scene 28. INT - Tylia’s house - NIGHT
Tylia comes home after the practice. She starts to fill the diary with wonderful experiences she has with John. She is so happy now that she forgot all the problems she had in the past.

Scene 29. INT - Tylia’s house few days later - DAY

Tylia’s parents are watching TV in the living room. Tylia picks up the remote control and turns the TV off.

Tylia! That is so rude!

Well, I have an important thing to ask you.

That cannot be an excuse my girl.
(pauses for a second)
But now, tell us what this is all about.

Well… You know that….

No, I know nothing!!

Would you please listen?
I am competing at the national forensics competition tomorrow...
Do you think you guys can come?

What do you mean “we think”?
Don’t you know that we are busy?

Your mom is right.
We can’t go Tylia.
Plus, you are not thinking you can win, are you?

Tylia’s face blushed with anger.

I… I thought…
Maybe… this time…
You could go….
I was just…

Be logical, my girl.

Tears could be seen in Tylia’s eyes. She yells.

I know! I know!
I was just checking, OK?
I know what kind of parents you are! I hate you guys!
You don’t even love me, do you?
I wonder if I am your real daughter!!!!

Tylia starts running, crashes the door, and leaves the house. The parents look at each other with shocks.

Scene 30. EXT - At the park - NIGHT
Tylia sits on a bench at the park and stays overnight there.

Scene 31. EXT - At the park - MORNING

Tylia wakes up from the park bench. She rubs her eyes sleepily.

What time is it??

As she talks to herself, she looks at her watch.

Seven… Seven… Oh yeah…
Today is the competition day…

As she sighs, she stares at the people passing by.

Should I go to the competition or not?
..I don’t want to go... but John…
People stare at her as they pass by.

(suddenly realizing)
Oh yeah…
T.R.U.S.T…. Trust…
John and I… Trust….

She looks at the clock again. She is astonished. The time has passed faster than she thought it would.

Oh no..!! I’ll have to run!

Scene 32. INT – Auditorium - MORNING
John is waiting for Tylia. They are supposed to meet an hour early before the competition starts, to practice, but she doesn’t show up. John becomes very angry. He is very disappointed also, not knowing what was actually going on.

Scene 33. INT - Competition site - DAY
The turn of Tylia and John is coming up. John calls Tylia and she doesn’t answer. He also calls the parents of Tylia, anxious, but they don’t answer either. He repents. He thinks that he cannot trust on Tylia anymore.

Scene 34. EXT – Street - DAY
Tylia is waiting for the taxies to pass by, but no taxies actually do. She is full of intensity. She just decides to run. Panicking, she runs as hard as she can. She just has to be there, and it is a far distance. She is full of fatigue.

Scene 35. EXT – Street - DAY
A familiar car passes by. It was her parents going somewhere. She runs harder with anger toward her parents. The next moment, the car comes back. The door opens and her mother comes out. She hugs Tylia and starts to cry. She asks, “Why are you still here?” Tylia explains everything and they drive her to the competing place.

Scene 36. INT - Competition site - DAY

Thank you so much!

Judges nod and the audience claps. The judges call Tylia and John to perform.

Third team! Ms. Tylia and Mr. John! Please come forward, thank you.

John hesitates. Ms. Spark and John look at each other, not knowing what to do.

Number three? Are you here?

Yes, sir.
But may I request something please?

Go ahead.

My partner... Tylia... hasn’t arrived here yet.
I am confident that there is something going on, and I know that she will be here soon.
So can we…

The judge interrupts

No. You cannot do it later.
If it was important for her, she would have come no matter what.
She is not here.

Ms. Spark comes forward to the judges, as if to say something.

I am their teacher...
I beseech you. Can you allow them to go next?

No, ma'am.

John and Ms. Spark return to their seats. They are in despair.

Scene 37. INT - Competition site - DAY

Just then, Tylia runs in with her parents. John yells.

Why are you so late?
I thought you had given up!!

Tylia looks at him, full of tear. John sighs.

Come on!
It’s our turn!
Let’s show them what we can do!

Sorry John… and thank you…

They hold hands and walk up the stage. They look very confident.

You boy, you are lucky today.
Now, you may begin.

They make an eye contact and nods. They began their speech.

Their speech fades into the background.

Scene 38. INT - Award ceremony - AFTERNOON
John and Tylia receive the first prize. They now know that they can trust on each other and they can now understand each other very well. Tylia now also knows that her parents love her and feels really special. They all hold up the first place trophy.

Seeking Justice (Career Essay)

“It’s not necessarily about what career you pick. It’s about how you do what you do” (Doctorow). When we think about future careers, what are the most important factors to consider? Is it money, fame, or what? There are so many different kinds of jobs in the world. As a freshman in high school, I need to think about my future careers and decide on a brief area of subjects I want to study. “When I grow up, I want to become…” statement have changed a lot over time as I got to have a broader view of the world. In order to produce a higher quality of work, you have to be well-suited to it, so it is very important to choose the right career. Well, as I got to take aptitude tests from “The Occupation Finder “from Holland, and had researched the jobs that are at my priorities, I became confident that I was to become a lawyer.

Things that I am skilled at had dramatically affected my choice of future career. I do several activities such as forensics, where I have to overcome the fear of public speaking. I voice my opinions well, and can argue against people keenly. I have debated a lot with other students and had won several times, which tells me that I can do a good job at a court, since “…they represent one of the parties in criminal and civil trials by presenting evidence and arguing in court to support their client” (Lawyers). I am athletic to be able to play such many sports. This means that I wouldn’t be exhausted easily and can work for a really long time. “…Lawyers often work long hours, and of those who regularly work full time, about half work 50 hours or more per week” (Lawyers). The thing I am best at is being able to be comfortable with anyone so that I can discuss the case of the court without any problems. But, should I have chosen a job I enjoy but not that good at, or a job I don’t really enjoy but still good at?

I fit to be a lawyer because I am a person who always fights for justice. Wherever I see actions of immorality or hear about the news of crimes, I cannot hide my anger. I also love to help my friends who need help. Since I can be comfortable with anyone, no matter who they are, I can be a great help. “…even among strangers (on an airplane, in line at the grocery store, in a doctor’s waiting room), they will strike up a conversation and chat pleasantly about any concrete topic that comes to mind” (Keirsey 6). People say that I am the one to talk to and smile whenever they are depressed. I really like to write reports and present them to class, which means that I will report the result of a certain case or what had been going on well, when I become a lawyer. I want to be a perfectionist and want to be able to show it off. However, if I turn out to have many flaws, I would never speak about it again due to shamefulness.

When I am choosing a job, there are the three priorities and they are really important to me; lawyer fit them all. First, I have to feel good about myself. I want to enjoy and have fun for what I am doing also. When I protect an innocent person at the court, or send a crucial criminal to jail, I would really feel good about myself. “… I feel really good about myself and sometimes blessed when I win a case at a court…” (Shin). Next, I have to be successful. To fit into a society and be with respectful people, I, myself, need to be as successful as them. Everything follows after success. Last, I want to make a good amount of money, and the “…highest salaries of lawyers 9 months after graduation from law school is $126,250” (Lawyers). With money, I can do anything I want to do and get to have more life-time opportunities.

Becoming a lawyer is a difficult decision because it is a pretty harsh path for me to walk on in the near future. To become a lawyer, I need to study really hard, and memorize many things since you need to know the laws clearly. Also, it takes a long time to become a lawyer because you need to study at colleges or universities for many years. “… It took me ten years to finish all the studies I had to do before I became one of the lawyers…” (Shin). Plus, there is a final test for me to take before I can be a professionally qualified lawyer. “All States require that applicants for admission to the bar pass a written bar examination; most States also require applicants to pass a separate written ethics examination. To qualify for the bar examination in most States, an applicant usually must earn a college degree and a graduate from a law school accredited by the American bas Association or the proper state authorities. ABA accreditation signifies that the law school-particularly its library and faculty-meets certain standards developed to promote quality legal education” (Lawyers).

I will be a lawyer although I am not really sure if this is a job for me. I don’t like to memorize and am not good at it either, but I just love justice. I can work connected to criminals, and can work with laws. I can also help people who need my help but have no money. The only thing I am worried about is that I have weak emotional feelings. “They can be crushed by personal criticism, and will function effectively only when appreciated both for themselves and for the abundant services they give to others” (Keirsey 7). I would have to overcome this to become a good lawyer. To find the greatest job for me, I will not stop here. I will keep on researching for my future possible careers, and I am confident that one day, I will be happy for what I am doing as an individual adult, working for myself and the society’s justice.

Doctorow, Cory. Someone Comes To Town, Someone Leaves Town. U.S.A.: Penguin Books Company, 2005.
Holland, John L. The Occupation Finder. Lutz: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 2000
Holland, John L. Assessment Booklet: A Guide to Educational and Career Planning. Lutz: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 1994.
Keirsey, David. Please Understand Me II. Del Mar, CA: Prometheus Nemesis Book Company, 1998
"Lawyers." Occupational Outlook Handbook. August 4, 2006. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 6 Mar 2007
Shin, Hyung-chul. E-mail interview. 17 Mar. 2007.